How Many Hours Do You Think Nirvana Volunteers a year?

Celebrating Volunteers week.

Leicester Nirvana FC volunteers over 20,000 hours of work each year which is equivalent to £130,000 - £280,000 a year of paid work. Statistics from Sport England’s Active People Survey revealed that Football volunteers contributed 96 million hours a year nationally. Volunteers are the lifeblood of grassroots sport and without them there would not be as many opportunities for people to participate in sport.

Volunteers’ Week (1-12 June) is an annual event which celebrates the fantastic contribution that millions of volunteers make across the UK raising the profile of volunteers who regularly contribute to society.

Nirvana has been volunteering in the local community for over 35 years. All our volunteers are ultimately giving their time unselfishly to help, develop and provide an opportunity for someone else's child to play football. How are you helping them to do that? 

There is a misconception that volunteering in football means that you need to understand football. There are many opportunities to volunteer with Nirvana that range from roles such as coaching youths, administration to media and advertising. 

We want to hear about how you can help the club with the skills you have. If you would like to give something back to the community by volunteering, please contact us at